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本文利用卫星高度计数据和分析数据,并结合同时期现场深水潜标的流速观测数据,研究了超强台风泰利过境前后台湾东北附近海域流场、位势密度场、位势涡度场以及黑潮入侵东海陆架强度的变化。分析结果表明,泰利台风通过改变台湾东北陆坡附近海域的流场、位势密度场,显著地削弱(增强)了西段(东段)陆坡附近的位势涡度梯度,从而使得西段(东段)陆坡黑潮入侵东海陆架的强度显著增强(减弱)。此外,本文还区分了台湾东北西部陆坡附近表层的跨陆坡“上凸型”位势涡度分布与次表层的跨陆坡“下凹型”位势涡度分布,并认为次表层的跨陆坡“下凹型”位势涡度分布也应作为台湾东北西部陆坡附近“位势涡度障碍”的重要组成部分。本文的研究结果揭示了大气中的台风过程对台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架产生显著影响的关键过程及机制,相关结论可为台湾东北黑潮入侵东海陆架变化规律的研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
The synoptic analysis of sea fog in western Antarctic sea region is made based on the observation data in the Chinese Antarctic station, Great Wall Station, from December 1994 to November 1995, and the facsimile weather charts issued by Chile. It is found that more than 90% fog in this region is the advection cooling fog. Also, the synoptic mechanism of the fog creation and distinction is discussed by analyzing the pressure field, the temperature field and the upperlevel stratification. Finally, the focus of attention in forecasting fog is pointed out.  相似文献   
Pelagic-Benthic Coupling in the Nordic Seas: The Role of Episodic Events   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. The consequences of the following episodic phenomena for the pelagic-benthic coupling in the Nordic Seas are illustrated: (1) Advection of water masses between fjords and shelf environments, (2) freshwater run-off and vertical stability, (3) dynamics of the marginal ice zone in the central and northern Barents Sea and the Polar Ocean, (4) drift patterns of sinking particles along the North Norwegian coast, (5) advection of zooplankton into subarctic fjords and the southern Barents Sea, zooplankton overwintering and composition, and (6) transport of organic particulate matter from the Barents Sea shelf. It is shown that physical processes in the north-eastern North Atlantic and Polar Ocean can be strongly variable on time scales of days to decades. They have a significant influence on the dynamics of pelagic-benthic coupling. The physical oceanography influences the vertical and horizontal particle flux not only directly (mixing, advection, up- and down-welling), but also indirectly through its impact on the biota (for example radiation, wind, ice cover, freshwater run-off and overwintering, advection and retention of zooplankton). Understanding pelagic-benthic coupling at high latitudes depends even more on a best possible understanding of the physical oceanography and the time scales involved than elsewhere.  相似文献   
9711号北上台风演变及暴雨过程的位涡诊断分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过对 971 1号台风登陆北上穿过山东造成山东特大暴雨过程的湿位涡的分析 ,并从湿位涡的角度研究了台风演变及山东特大暴雨的形成机制 ,揭示了冷空气在台风演变及暴雨过程中的重要作用。结果表明 :倾斜涡度发展是暴雨产生和台风加强的重要机制之一 ,暴雨产生在 θe线陡立密集区内 ;湿位涡在这次暴雨过程中对流层低层具有 MPV1 <0 ,MPV2 >0的特征 ,此次暴雨产生在负的MPV1等值线密集区中 ;对流层上部及平流层下部高位涡的下传使得低层斜压性增大 ,引起低层的对流稳定度减小 ,促使气旋性涡度发展 ,有利于位势不稳定能量的释放 ,使得暴雨增幅 ,导致台风的加强并演变为温带气旋。  相似文献   
赵凯  濮梅娟 《台湾海峡》2005,24(3):370-376
0421号热带风暴“海马(Haima)”于2004年9月13日12:00在浙江省温州市沿海登陆,登陆后迅速减弱为热带低压,20:00在浙江境内消失.本研究采用物理量诊断分析法,探讨该热带风暴登陆前后涡度场、湿焓场变化对其移向和强度的影响.结果表明,该热带风暴登陆后,涡度(ξ)明显减弱.涡度局地变化(ξ/t)值分布显示,风暴移动方向的后方,涡度减弱的趋势比前方涡度增大的趋势更剧烈;风暴有向其外围(ξ/t)正值中心(即涡度增幅最大)移动的趋势.该热带风暴登陆前、后,湿焓都增大,但登陆后湿焓增大趋势已大大减弱;风暴有向湿焓局地变化(E/t)正值中心移动的趋势,即向能量增强最大的方向移动.  相似文献   
西边界流在边界“豁口”的形变及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大洋西边界流在边界豁口处由于失去边界的支持而发生形变。本文将西边界流视为一种惯性射流,遵循绝对涡度守恒原理,推导了流轴及其两侧流体在西边界豁口处不同形式的弯曲,发现在一定的豁口尺度条件下,西边界流自身的相对涡度分布特点和地球旋转的β效应决定了在失去西侧陆坡支持时,其主体会沿反气旋路径发生一段经向的位移而圈回入射点所在的经度位置。主轴变形的经向尺度与初始速度及西边界流的入射角度有关;主轴西侧可能会出现一小部分分支进入邻近的内海并形成气旋或反气旋式环流;主轴东侧的流体则在豁口以东沿反气旋路径弯曲,从而论证了西边界豁口处形成西边界流弯曲的可能性和原因  相似文献   
Water quality is a key aspect of the Everglades Restoration Project, the largest water reclamation and ecosystem management project proposed in the United States. Movement of nutrients and contaminants to and from Everglades peat porewater could have important consequences for Everglades water quality and ecosystem restoration activities. In a study of Everglades porewater, we observed complex, seasonally variable peat porewater chloride concentration profiles at several locations. Analyses and interpretation of these changing peat porewater chloride concentration profiles identifies processes controlling conservative solute movement at the peat–surface water interface, that is, solutes whose transport is minimally affected by chemical and biological reactions. We examine, with an advection–diffusion model, how alternating wet and dry climatic conditions in the Florida Everglades mediate movement of chloride between peat porewater and marsh surface water. Changing surface water–chloride concentrations alter gradients at the interface between peat and overlying water and hence alter chloride flux across that interface. Surface water chloride concentrations at two frequently monitored sites vary with marsh water depth, and a transfer function was developed to describe daily marsh surface water chloride concentration as a function of marsh water depth. Model results demonstrate that porewater chloride concentrations are driven by changing surface water chloride concentrations, and a sensitivity analysis suggests that inclusion of advective transport in the model improves the agreement between the calculated and the observed chloride concentration profiles. Published in 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
广东一次寒潮8级大风物理过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用NCEP1°×1°的网格点分析资料和常规观测资料对2006年1月4~7日广东寒潮造成的广东海面8级大风过程进行了物理机制分析.结果表明:受强冷空气南下影响,有着较深厚的强冷平流输送,加之高空动量下传的共同作用,故而造成了广东东、西部海面先后出现了8级大风过程.这为以后更准确地预报广东海面大风提供了良好的依据.  相似文献   
运用WRF模式,对京津冀地形触发对流系统与海风锋相互作用的两个个例开展了数值模拟,通过对两个个例模拟的广义湿位涡异常和雷达回波分布的对比分析,对广义湿位涡异常预判该类天气过程中对流系统发展的潜力进行了检验。分析结果显示,广义湿位涡异常较雷达回波提前0.5至1 h示踪到山地背风坡和海风锋处的对流系统的发展。斜压与水汽梯度相互作用和非绝热加热对广义湿位涡异常提前示踪山地背风坡和海风锋处对流系统发展有重要的贡献。过山气流的显著扰动和午后相对于陆地大气较为冷湿的海风辐合上升是分别造成山地背风坡和海风锋出现明显的斜压与水汽梯度相互作用的主要原因。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (GRAPES) is the newgeneration numerical weather predic- tion (NWP) system developed by the China Meteorological Administration. It is a fully compressible non-hydrostatical global/regional unified model that uses a traditional semi-Lagrangian advection scheme with cubic Lagrangian interpola tion (referred to as the SL_CL scheme). The SL_CL scheme has been used in many operational NWP models, but there are still some deficiencies, such as the damping effects due to the interpolation and the relatively low accuracy. Based on Reich's semi-Lagrangian advection scheme (referred to as the R2007 scheme), the Re_R2007 scheme that uses the low- and high-order B-spline function for interpolation at the departure point, is developed in this paper. One- and two-dimensional idealized tests in the rectangular coordinate system with uniform grid cells were conducted to compare the Re..R2007 scheme and the SL_CL scheme. The numerical results showed that: (1) the damping effects were remarkably reduced with the Re_R2007 scheme; and (2) the normalized errors of the Re_R2007 scheme were about 7.5 and 3 times smaller than those of the SL_CL scheme in one- and two-dimensional tests, respectively, indicating the higher accuracy of the Re..R2007 scheme. Furthermore, two solid-body rotation tests were conducted in the latitude-longitude spherical coordinate system with non uniform grid cells, which also verified the Re_R2007 scheme's advantages. Finally, in comparison with other global advection schemes, the Re_R2007 scheme was competitive in terms of accuracy and flow independence. An encouraging possibility for the application of the Re_R2007 scheme to the GRAPES model is provided.  相似文献   
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